Workout 2020 06 01

Holiday weekend! (Fronleichnam, I think). I took my first walk through the Evangelischer Zentralfriedhof, which had a nice mix of sun and shade. I was kind of expecting more activity in there due to the holiday, but there was no one stirring. Snaps: The pit between Alberstraße and Ernst-Reuter-Platz is now fully empty; still don’t know what’s going in there. Absolutely nothing happening at Hauptbahnhof, which felt weird, even for a public holiday....

June 1, 2020 · cliff1976

Flattening the Curve

Kurzarbeit again today. I decided not to torture myself with a mountainous bike ride, but instead stick to a flat loop out south and east of town. This was along the R7 route recommended by the Landkreis Regensburg. The snaps: Sarching’s amphibious cacophony: Route: I messed up my own GPX track recording on this one, forgetting to separate this track from an aborted one on Wednesday, which explains the teleportation from home to the Ostbahnhof area....

May 29, 2020 · cliff1976

Workout 2020 05 27

Another beautiful day. I crossed onto one of the islands in Danube. Took another look at one of those sheltery things I’d seen there previously. Still creepy. The channels were peaceful. There was a weird Yoda/Nosferatu hybrid graffito thing. Snaps: Route: Machine(s): none (street) Time: 1:30 Distance: 6.0 km Calories: 658 Calories from fat: 37% Average Heart Rate: 106 Maximum Heart Rate: 123 Fat Burn: 1:20 Fitness: 0:10 Weight: not weighed

May 27, 2020 · cliff1976

Workout 2020 05 25

Snaps: Think of all the great grilled dinners we could have with these! “Please wait to be seated” arrives in Germany with Corona. Coming Home has taken over the space from “zum Sterischen Eck.” Hope it doesn’t suck. Sweet upholstery on this Ente! Route: Machine(s): none (street) Time: 1:07 Distance: 5.27 km Calories: 502 Calories from fat: 36% Average Heart Rate: 107 Maximum Heart Rate: 122 Fat Burn: 1:03 Fitness: 0:04 Weight: not weighed

May 25, 2020 · cliff1976

Finally beat that hill!

Well, sorta. I cheated by telling my GPS to route me only on paved routes, which obviated huffing and puffing up the muddy hill. It was not another beautiful day. It started off with ominous clouds, that were true omens, because the hail they pelted me with stung. But at least not for long. By the time I got to my destination (delivering a borrowed item back to its owner), I was dry again and the sun warmed me back up....

May 24, 2020 · cliff1976