It’s Valentine’s Day, so why not? And I bike to/from it frequently enough. The position of the town lends itself to round trips, whether I’m feeling bergy or flussy.

Today’s route was supposed to trace the Danube back more of the way home, but even before the halfway point at — you guessed it! — Bad Abbach, my feet were hurting from the cold. So at Großprüfening I cut it short. Still got in just shy of 40 clicks.


Here I am doing a crane kick on my bike.

New shades!

No slope here, it’s action photography. This was on a very flat part of the route.

Most of the first half was through farmland, but there were some woods around the edges.

I suspect the blurriness here might be due to condenstation on the phone’s camera’s lens. It gets drippy wet inside this jacket’s inside pocket.

Here is a nice stretch of the Danube outside of Unterirading.

Approaching zur Walba – I will very much appreciate stopping in here for a Schnitzel and a Radler when weather and other conditions allow it.

Video Recap


You might need to tap or click the map to make it bigger. The red solid route was my intention. The blue dashed route is my actual route.


Total Distance:          39.5 km 
Time Part 1:              1:12
Calories Part 1:          509
Calories from fat Part 1:   41%
Average Heart Rate Part 1: 105
Maximum Heart Rate Part 1: 121
Fat Burn Part 1:          1:10
Fitness Part 1:           0:02

Time Part 2:              1:17
Calories Part 2:          1134
Calories from fat Part 2:   10%
Average Heart Rate Part 2: 152
Maximum Heart Rate Part 2: 166
Fat Burn Part 2:          0:01
Fitness Part 2:           1:16

Weight:     not weighed