Alternate Title: “WTH is with all these cruise ships?"

The weather is supposed to be rainy tomorrow, so I opted for a Saturday afternoon ride instead. First thing I noticed: there are a ton of cruise ships in port. Has anyone seen today’s incidence stats? THEY ARE NOT GOOD AND GETTING WORSE.

But anyway, I realized I’d never been up to Zeitlarn. It’s a cute little town, definitely bikable from there into the offi….HA. Like anyone’s ever going into the office again. Back to Zeitlarn: I like the way it backed up onto big, wide open pastures.

Other highlights of this ride:

  • along the Regen, some kind of South Asian cultural thing was happening: bumpin' Bhaṅgṛā beats and at least one cricket match underway as I rode past
  • I stopped for some groceries at the Real→Kaufland just to see what they’ve done with the place. I know I am getting old when the most remarkable thing about a first-time visit to a supermarket is that the layout is different and will take some getting used to.
  • I forgot to tell my mapping service that I have a “city” bike and need paved paths; that’s the reason it took my through that cool-looking quarry. The gravel road wasn’t too bad and the sights proved worth it.



You might need to tap or click the map to make it bigger. The red solid route was my intention. The blue dashed route is my actual route.


Total Distance:       26.1 km 
Time:                 1:38 
Calories:             1113
Calories from fat:      18 %
Average Heart Rate:    131
Maximum Heart Rate:    157
Fat Burn:             0:08
Fitness:              1:30