Rained out OTW to Pielenhofen

It was supposed to rain all day. I was excited to see a break predicted, so I saddled up and trudged on. I left the garage to find a fine mist greeting me on the street. I thought to myself: You got this, Self. Press on, you’re tougher than this. I pressed on. I GOT DRENCHED. By the time I got to Mariaort, I was just done. I can handle being cold....

June 6, 2021 · cliff1976

Irlbach and Grünthal

Thursday, June 3rd was Fronleichnam (“Happy Cadaver”). Most people I work with took Friday as a Brückentag (bridge day)…but not me. I worked a good chunk of a normal day, finishing what I wanted to achieve before next week, and headed out for an evening ride, on purpose shooting for about 20 km. I took a brand new (to me) route to the northeast heading through the Konradsiedlung, Wutzlhofen, on a tangent to Haslbach on my way to Irlbach....

June 4, 2021 · cliff1976


It was a nice day for a ride. Not as long as some of my other ones, but man…them hills up to Hainsacker are a real slog. Snaps Video Recap Route You might need to tap or click the map to make it bigger. The red solid route was my intention. The blue dashed route is my actual route. Stats Total Distance: 28.8 km Time: 1:58 Calories: 1467 Calories from fat: 15 % Average Heart Rate: 138 Maximum Heart Rate: 170 Fat Burn: 0:06 Fitness: 1:52

May 30, 2021 · cliff1976

Holiday Glide

It was Pfingstmontag and I had the day off of work. I intended a nice long ride, but I just wasn’t feeling it, and I took a wrong turn near Burgweinting, and again at Obertraubling, and decided to swing by the airstrip, and the rain was threatening the whole time So I cut it drastically short. But it was still a pretty good ride. Kinda got the impression that glider was following me though....

May 24, 2021 · cliff1976

Still Here

Lest ye fret: I’m still here, and still walking and biking (though not as consistently as I’d like). I’ve got a couple bike ride reports in the hopper. The walks are a lot less interesting than they were at first (lots of repitition). But they’re still happening. Happy stalking me!

May 16, 2021 · cliff1976