Closing Out June

The weather had been so, mercurial, shall we say. Work stuff pressing on relentlessly and cool rainy nights actually helped me sleep better than usual (at least as of late). All of that meant precious few morning or evening walks this week — not good. So during a break in the early evening downpours yesterday, I went for a fast loop. I managed to keep my heart rate down pretty well....

June 30, 2021 · cliff1976

Sinzing, Alling, Schönhofen, Nittendorf, Etterzhausen

I did a Saturday ride instead of Sunday. The weather has been so iffy lately that it didn’t make sense to wait and see how Sunday would shape up. It was a little easier to stay on the road outside Kühschlag, and avoid the inner workings of the bustling metropolis that is Downtown Nittendorf, so I opted to deviate from the planned route a bit there. And for the stretch from Kneiting to roughly the Pfaffenstein tunnel was STILL under construction, so I followed the detour instructions through Winzer, which was pleasant....

June 26, 2021 · cliff1976

Yet Another New Theme

I’m trying out the PaperMod theme for Hugo. I like the cut of its gib. I might break some stuff while fiddling with it a bit.

June 20, 2021 · cliff1976

Zweimal Irading, Graßlfing, Zwei Mal Gebraching

What’s with all the -ings around here, anyways? I’ve ridden past zur Walba more times than I can count over the last year, and I’ve always looked up the hill on the cross street and shuddered at the thought of biking past it. Well, today, I bit the bullet and did it. It was long and slow, but much less steep than I imagined. It was supposed to be 32 °C by noon today, so I made sure to get started before 8:00....

June 20, 2021 · cliff1976

Do the big hills much better!

I went up thosehillssouth of Regensburg on the way to Pentling that used to discourage me. I won’t say they’re easy now, but I can chug along in my lowest gear without feeling like I’m risking a heart attack. Basically abandon all hope, ye who enter Kumpfmühl…it’s a long, mostly uphill slog to Hohengebraching. But after that it was pretty nice all the rest of the way back home. Snaps Route You might need to tap or click the map to make it bigger....

June 13, 2021 · cliff1976