After last week’s 60+km record breaker, I toned it back down again to 50ish today. I thought I would treat myself to some nice flat stretches along a river for the last leg. I am not so sure that is the right approach; “mostly flat” is “partly hilly” and even where truly flat, I was tired of being in the saddle, and mad at friction for forcing me to keep pedaling....

August 16, 2020 · cliff1976

Was it Wörth it?

I was pretty sure I don’t like rides over 50 km in length. Walking the next day is a real pain. But those 50ish km rides have all been with a mixture of terrain. So I thought I would try a longer — but flatter — ride along the Danube today. I rode from our house to Wörth an der Donau and back. Guess what? The knees are a little better off for it, but DA BUTT is not....

August 9, 2020 · cliff1976

Dog Scared Me Off

I’ve been doing my rides mostly on the weekends, since Kurzarbeit is over for me now. I’ve been lazy about posting them, but less lazy about actually doing them. So that’s good. In my last post, I picked GraphHopper.com as a mapping service, but I’m wary of it now. This time it routed me through a farm at the top of a long, slow hill at Aignhof… and a Rottweiler-looking dog was quite angry at my presence....

July 26, 2020 · cliff1976

Laaber and Back

Kurzarbeit tomorrow – presumably the last one for this round of economic crises (or, let’s hope so anyways). I had an important week at work last week, so to be there for all of it, I opted to make my last Kurzabeit day of the month the last Monday of the month instead of Friday. I planned out my route using GraphHopper.com – first time using that service, but I am sure I’ll be back....

June 28, 2020 · cliff1976

Workout 2020 06 05

It was another Kurzarbeit day. I had to skip my walks a couple days this week, so I stretched this out one longer on purpose. I made it up to the Fernsehturm in Ziegetsdorf, walked parallel to the A3 towards the Uniklinikum and back. It was threatening to rain most of the way with some nice patches of sun to break things up. Snaps: Route: Machine(s): none (street) Time: 2:10 Distance: 10....

June 5, 2020 · cliff1976