Around Donau Park

After last week’s flat Danube odyssey, I thought I could probably handle at least the uphill bits on the way to Pentling and bask in the river bank’s flat glory on my way back — especially since I didn’t feel like a three-hour tour (a three-hour tour) today, and chopped my route down to a mere 20 km. I was right in theory; but in practice, GraphHopper picked a route for me right up a tractor track between a couple of fields, which was steeper than I expected....

December 6, 2020 · cliff1976

Flatter to Pfatter

It’s cold enough now for a full-on winter jacket out there, thus the attire switch. I thought I would give the ol' quadriceps a break and stick to some very level terrain. You can’t go wrong with following the Danube for a nice, level ride. I still managed to take a wrong turn or two, but I never had to backtrack. In a couple places along my route, it’s not obvious whether a biker should go left or right to stay on a path....

November 30, 2020 · cliff1976

November Impressions

It was a beautiful Sunday morning – first one around here in recent memory. Nice pictures are avilable on the Regensblog. Route Distance: 6 km Time: 1:41 Calories: 789 Calories from fat: 39% Average Heart Rate: 108 Maximum Heart Rate: 140 Fat Burn: 1:36 Fitness: 0:05 Weight: not weighed

November 29, 2020 · cliff1976

Still no Kallmünz

Ever since this dang pandemic hit and I began exploring the region on my bike, I’ve been itching to bike up to Kallmünz and back. One thing or another hat foiled each of my attempts. I took another shot at it today. Foiled again. I got off to a weak start just north of Stadtamhof at the Dreifaltigkeitsberg. A one-lane road shared with cars in both directions is daunting enough on its own....

November 22, 2020 · cliff1976

Victory Loop Foiled by Construction

I thought I’d take a victory loop after the momentous occasions of late. I carefully mapped my route using GraphHopper and thought I was good-to-go for a route mostly following three rivers Danube Naab Schwarze Laber … with a little hilliness in the middle to keep it interesting. The stretch up the hill from Etterzhausen to Nittendorf was a slog, but I knew that was coming, and I thought perhaps I’d progressed in my endurance such that it wouldn’t kill me....

November 8, 2020 · cliff1976